SkUMVÄTSKa utan flour
Klass A-skumvätskor tränger in i det fasta materialet så att branden kan släckas. Bio-EX syntetiska A-skumvätska är utomordentligt effektiv, vattenbesparande, är snabbt biologiskt nedbrytbar samt är inte korrosiv mot metall.

BIO FOR C (Klass A)
Thanks to its wetting and foaming properties, BIO FOR is highly efficient for fighting class A solid fuel fires such as wildland forest fires, urban fires, industrial fires, waste recycling plant, as well as small class B hydrocarbon fires.
Wetting capability allowing water to penetrate deeply into the solid, and foaming capability allowing it to adhere to vertical surfaces, resulting in quicker fire extinguishment and long burnback resistance.
BIO FOR class A foam is an environmentally-friendly solution: 100% fluorine-free foam (F3) and totally biodegradable.

Ecopol (Klass B)
Thanks to a huge research and development program, BIOEX launched ECOPOL in 2002, the first Fluorine-Free Foam (F3) on the market.
ECOPOL, a synthetic multipurpose alcohol-resistant (AR) concentrate free of fluorine component. This AR-F3 foam has great foaming and wetting properties and is highly efficient in fire extinguishment and burnback resistance against a variety of risks: class B hydrocarbon as well as polar solvent and class A fires.
ECOPOL environmentally-friendly foam can be as efficient as AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) foams. ECOPOL achieved GreenScreen certification, an independent organization promoting the use of inherently safer chemicals in products and PFAS-free firefighting foams.

Ecopol Premium
As efficient as the best AFFF-AR foams, ECOPOL PREMUM is a highly efficient alcohol-resistant firefighting foam and can be used in direct application. ECOPOL PREMIUM multipurpose foam achieves best performances with fresh/sea water on:
– hydrocarbon fires: Certified 1A/1A under EN 1568-3 standard
– polar solvent fires: Certified 1A/1A under EN 1568-4 standard
ECOPOL PREMIUM is a Fluorine-Free Foam (F3), completely biodegradable.
En syntetisk skumvätska som utformats i utbildningssyfte. Den baseras på ytaktiva ämnen med skumbildande egenskaper och kort dräneringstid. Detta ger en kortvarig skumvätska som gör det enkelt att börja om från början enligt driftschemat.
Övningsskummet: BIO T3 finns som lätt-, mellan- eller tungskum. Skumvätskorna kan användas i alla typer av utbildnings-situationer.
Bränslebränder: Effektivt vid kolvätebränder (diesel, bensin och fotogen)
Övningsskummet skadar inte miljön och är helt nedbrytbart. BIO T3 är fri från fluor och glykol.